Jiayu Liang/UCS

The Climate Campaign for the Future



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为一个安全、宜居的617888九五至尊娱乐而战正在发生 right now, amidst worsening odds. Despite recent gains, 化石燃料行业及其财大气大的盟友继续阻挠我们都需要的617888九五至尊娱乐行动.

But the future is far from lost. In this moment, activists just like you 正在共同努力改变他们的社区,使人们和地方无论如何都能繁荣发展 what our climate future holds.

What does transformation look like? 安全、节能、经济、耐用的住房. 清洁能源和运输系统公平地满足社区需求. 有凝聚力、相互联系的社区能够安全抵御新的617888九五至尊娱乐灾害.

It’s a world beyond surviving. 这是一个碳排放量大幅降低的世界, rebuilt for safety, justice, and well-being, where people can thrive. 这就是我们为之奋斗的世界——未来. You can help.

What we’re doing

617888九五至尊娱乐适应能力包括电网的可靠性等方方面面, to the sustainability of our food systems, to access to clean, safe drinking water. 与活动家和支持者一起,我们是:

  1. Producing science 它支持受617888九五至尊娱乐变化影响的人们的需要和要求,并利用我们的影响力将617888九五至尊娱乐带到决策者面前.
  2. Crafting, lobbying, and advocating 迫切的短期和转型的长期617888九五至尊娱乐解决方案.
  3. Amplifying 首先和最严重受影响者的声音和优先事项

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